
Calcaneal Spur

Say hello to the not-so-welcome guest of the foot party: Calcaneal Spur! This pesky condition is all about the plantar-medial aspect of your heel. It's not the kind of guest you'd want at your foot party, as it can cause pain, soreness, and inflammation, along with...

Orthotics for Diabetes Patients: How Proper Foot Support Can Help Manage Symptoms

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. One of the complications of diabetes is neuropathy, which can cause nerve damage in the feet and legs. This can lead to numbness, tingling, and even pain in the feet. Proper foot support...

From Pain to Relief: Understanding How Orthotics Can Alleviate Common Foot Problems

Foot pain can be a frustrating and debilitating condition, affecting millions of people worldwide. Whether caused by injury, overuse, or a chronic condition, foot pain can make even simple tasks difficult. Fortunately, orthotics can be an effective way to alleviate...
Orthotics devices for the win

Orthotics devices for the win

The rigid orthotics made by XT is thin, light and rigid. XT is stiffer and less forgiving than polypropylene but offers the advantages of being lighter and thinner. It is essential to make the device full-length for basketball with 1/16-inch perforated Poron top...